Monday, November 30, 2009

DIY WoodWorking - How to Determine Warp

Warping is one of the home DIY wood craftsman's biggest headaches. After you've spent considerable time, painstaking effort and care in creating a beautiful hand-crafted piece of furniture - it is a disappointment to have it later warp and shrink. Here are some tips for DIY Woodworking - how to determine warp.

Warping and shrinking of wood can be held to a minimum if the wood is properly conditioned and attention paid to moisture content when working with wood.

How Wood Warps
Wood warps and shrinks in relation and direction of the tree's annual rings. Shrinkage turns out to be twice as great when the direction is parallel to the rings as when it is across them. Edge-grain wood (quarter-sawn) shrinks the least because the heaviest shrinkage tends to take place across the narrow dimension of the board. In a quarter-sawn board, the end grain angles between 45 and 90 degrees, across the edge of the board, with the grain running up and down.

Flat-cut boards have the greatest warp and shrinkage potential because they tend to cup away from the heart side of the wood. When facing the cut edge of the flat-cut board the grain runs in half circles and the board tends to cup away from the heart of the wood or "down."

How To Detect Warp
One of the easiest ways to test warp is to take your board and put one end on the floor and sight along the other end down the board. Turn the board over to sight it from both sides. Any end warp or twisting can be easily seen using this method.

Any irregularity caused by warp should be removed before you use the wood. A board that is warped will continue to twist as it dries out no matter how it is used.

Conditioning Wood
Conditioning wood means seasoning the wood to the proper moisture content (MC) to correspond to the humidity of the wood (or project's) permanent location. A general rule of thumb is to have a MC of between 9-12%. A variation of about 3% is acceptable.

If you live in an area that has a humidity factor of about 40% indoors, then the moisture content for your wood furniture should be around 8%. So if the wood you are using for your project has a MC of 8% to begin with, you won't experience massive expansion and contraction through the seasons.

Easy Method to Check for Moisture Content
Saw a small piece of wood from the wood to be used in your project. Weigh it with a small kitchen scale that reads grams or grains. Now place the sample of wood in the kitchen oven at about 220 degrees F. and weigh it every 20 minutes until it stops losing weight. This will take about 1.5 hours. Take the difference of the beginning weight and the ending weight and divide that by the finish weight and that should give you your moisture content.

As an example, your wood sample weighs 155 units to start, 136 at finish with a net change of 19 units. Divide 19 unites by the 136 and you will have a finished moisture content of 14%. Though your sample is bone dry, it won't stay that way. Within 3 or 4 hours it will regain approximately half of the lost moisture and size and in a few weeks be back to normal.

Wood is truly never seasoned. Even wood that is a 100 years old will absorb 16% to 18% moisture if stored outdoors. If you remember to store your wood in a location where the humidity is about the same as where the finished product is used - your wood should be in a good shape.

Autor: Laurie Brenner

I know how it feels to build something only to have the wood warp on you. One header we put in our house that served as the portal from the great room to the kitchen had to be replaced twice. The header, including the posts, kept warping and twisting on us. It can be frustrating until you learn how to determine warp and pick the right pieces of wood for your projects.

You can find out more about working with wood and get access to more than 14,000 wood working plans if you visit:

Added: November 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

DIY WoodWorking - Woods and Stains

Knowing which stains to pick for the woods you are using for your special projects makes all the difference in it's finish and appeal. For DIY Woodworking - woods and stains, consideration in any finish should be given to the kind of wood you are using. Don't expect fir to look like limed oak or walnut.

Check out these quick thumbnails on woods and stains:

Ash takes all stains well, but it requires a heavy filler for all level finishes. All finishes are usually dull-rubbed or waxed.

Has small pores and can be finished with or without filler. Birch takes a good walnut, mahogany or cherry finish. Bleaches well.

Cedar is a soft wood and requires a shellac sealer coat to seal the oil in the wood. Use a Venetian red oil color reduced with naphtha (a paint solvent and additive) and apply it with a rag. For interior of hope chests and closets, no stain or finish should be applied

Cherry is very attractive in light brown or red, but it does not bleach. It has small pores, so it need not be filled, but a thin filler can be useful. Cherry is usually rubbed and polished except when antique finished.

True mahogany should be finished only as mahogany in various shades of reds or browns. Avoid using dark stains on mahogany. Mahogany bleaches well. All mahoganies tend to whisker under water stain and are best finished with non-grain raising stains.

Maple wood requires no filler. Selected white woods can be used for modern blond tones with or without staining. To get brown and red tones use a double-staining technique. Does not respond well to bleaching.

There are over 300 varieties of oak which can be generally classed as red or white. White oak is the superior oak with open pores which require a heavy filler base. There is no stain required for natural, light or golden colors.

There's white and yellow pine, both of which are treated differently. Both woods are attractive in natural and stained finishes, but white pine is subject to some pitch bleeding and should be sealed with a first coat of a synthetic resin primer.

Walnut is excellent for all shades of stain of brown, but not red. The sap wood is creamy and requires an extra stain coat to match. Use of hot linseed oil will bring out excellent color.

Autor: Laurie Brenner

I love working with wood and how beautiful it can look if finished properly. If you like working with wood, hop on over to download more than 14,000 woodworking plans with information on DIY Woodworking - woods and stains available right now.

To find out more about woodworking projects, visit:

Added: November 28, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Woodworking Projects Plans - A Must For the Woodworking Enthusiast

Without some woodworking projects plans my project tends to go on..and on..and on.Up to recently and the development of the internet it was difficult to get some decent woodwork plans and you were restricted to buying books which might have carried a limited range of projects.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I came across some woodwork project plans on the internet after many botched and prolonged woodworking projects.

They are pretty extensive and include woodwork plans for all sorts of projects and are suitable for beginners and the more experienced alike. Some of the woodwork project plans include chair plans,cabinet plans,plans for barns,dressers, dog houses,car ports, bird feeders and many more too numerous to mention.

I built a bird feeder myself and I am pretty pleased with it as it is not a bad first attempt. The product itself includes step by step instructions,diagrams,photographs and if you are a keen woodworker then the fact that there are 14,000 plans means you will never run out of ideas for your next project.

Now because I have used some of these project plans I can carry out my woodworking projects with the confidence that I will be findished in a reasonable time and be able to move onto the next project.

If you are a starter or an experience hand at woodworking projects then there is definitely something there that you will just love..and with the huge database of 14,000 plans it is something that I can see myself reverting to time after time. My next project is going to be a mail box..wish me luck!

Autor: John O Toole

Discover 14,000 woodworking projects plans at my blog which is an informational site about woodworking projects, shed building, shed plans and other diy projects.

Stop by now and get your FREE, no obligation downloadable Shed Plan.

Added: November 27, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Automation For the Home Do-It-Yourselfer

Do you enjoy doing working on projects around your home? Then consider a DIY home automation project. You can save money by doing it yourself. You can enjoy the satisfaction that comes as you work on your project. You can take pride when your project is completed to your satisfaction.

Products are on the market today that make it easy for the do-it-yourselfer. They are not expensive. You do not have to be a wizard to understand how to install and use these products.

Here's how to get started

Think of ways your home life could be made easier, more comfortable, more convenient, safer or less stressful. More than likely, there is a DIY home automation solution.

Suppose you travel a lot. It's mid-winter. When you leave home you turn the thermostat way down to save energy. When you return, your home is cold and uncomfortable. You turn up your thermostat and wait for your home to slowly warm up to your comfort zone.

Here's your solution: Adjust your thermostat remotely via telephone or the internet before you arrive home. When you walk in your front door, your home is warm and comfortable.

There are inexpensive automation products on the market today that allow you to control your thermostat via the internet or telephone. You can purchase and install the products yourself.

Make sure all your individual automation products are compatible with each other.

If you have an existing house that is not pre-wired for home automation, there are now systems on the market that communicate both wirelessly and over the electric power lines already installed throughout your house. They are designed to work together with maximum functionality.

Start with remote thermostat control and expand your system later

The starter system that you set up to control your thermostat can be expanded to do much more. Lamps, dimmers and switches, hard-wired outlet modules, plug-in modules, thermostats controls for heating and cooling, garage door controls, and much more -- all can be controlled as long all the devices are compatible with each other.

Autor: John Dove

Where to get more information

Do you prefer to communicate via the Internet or Wi-Fi from an iPhone, iPod touch or any other Web-enabled PC, Phone or PDA - and you have an internet router and modem in your home? If this is you and you want to get started in home automation by controlling your lights from a distance, go to Automate via Internet.

Or do you prefer to communicate via touch-tone telephones or cell phones? Go to Automate via Telephone.

Added: November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Build a DIY Home Residential Wind Turbine

The cost to set up a renewable energy source from the sun or wind can be very expensive if you get the installation from a company. You may have to spend more than $3,000 just to draw enough energy from a solar or wind power system. If you are interested in using alternative energy generated from wind power, then making a DIY home residential wind turbine is something worth consideration.

Building the wind turbine by your own may sound complicated, but it is not. In fact, once you understand the basic structure of a home residential wind turbine. You can build the system successfully with minimum cost.

When you start to search for information on internet for a homemade wind turbine, it returns thousands of search results with a lot of them in an amazing variety of designs and complexities. But, if you narrow down all the requirements to build a home residential wind turbine, they consist of five common things:

  1. A generator
  2. Blades
  3. A tower to get it up into the wind
  4. A mounting to keep it turning
  5. An electronic control system

If you divide the DIY home residential win turbine project into these 5 little systems and work on them one at a time, you will find that building a wind turbine is not that complicated as you think initially.

If it is your first effort to build a home residential wind turbine, then building a generator from scratch can be a bit too complicated. A better option would be using surplus permanent magnet DC motors as generator in your project. Try searching for a suitable DC motor at your local store or you should be able to find one at online store like eBay. I would recommend the 99 volt DC motor made by Ametek, among the best motor I have found and it works great as a generator. However, other brands can also meet the purpose as long as you look for a motor that is rated as high DC voltage, low RPMs and high current. The key reason of finding this type of DC motor is that you want to set a generator to generate 12 volts at a fairly low rpm with a useful level of current. For example, a motor that is rated with 325 rpm at 30 volts when using as a generator, could expect to generate 12 volts at fairly low RPMs. Whereas, if you use a motor rated at 7200 rpm at 24 volts, it won't be able to produce the required 12v output until it is spinning a few thousands of RPMs. Therefore, you should be careful when shopping for a right DC motor to be used as a generator in your wind turbine project.

Next, for the blades, you have option to make it from wood or PVC pipes. It is not difficult to make the blades, many DIY Wind Turbine guides do involve step-by-step guide on how to build them easily. Once you have gotten started on motor and blades, then getting the rest of little systems up to running are not difficult. Find a DIY wind turbine guide to help you in building the system can save your time by avoiding the common mistakes and ensure the project can be completed within the budget.


DIY a home residential wind turbine is not as complicated as it sounds. You can build it successfully to generate electric from wind to power your home.

Autor: Dave Stilman

Dave Stillman reviews various Home Energy Guides at Read his reviews before you buy any of these guides. Find the best step-by-step Home Energy Guides from Dave's resources.

Added: November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The DIY Chicken Coop Ark

The DIY chicken coop ark is one of the more modern designs of chicken shelter. Whilst it's just as small and portable as the any a-frame coop, it makes much better use of internal space. This article gives you a general outline of the chicken ark, and directs you towards making the first steps to construction.

Chicken Ark Features

Most home mini-farms don't require a massive chicken enclosure. In fact, if you're looking to keep only 5 or so birds, the chicken ark is very accommodating. It utilizes 2 stories, each with a different purpose.

The downstairs area is fully enclosed with chicken wire. It's a great area for your flock to feed, and go for a little run. Of course, it's highly recommended to let them out every at least once a day. If you're worried about predators, most DIY chicken coop plans will also show you how to build a secure chicken run.

Inside the feeding area is a ramp that leads to an upstairs nesting space. This is completely enclosed with either plywood, or something a bit more fancy. Using some well placed heating lamps, this area can act as an artificial incubator. You can also install an optional door at the top, which provides easy access to eggs.

Chicken Coop Flooring

Of course, not chicken coop is complete without some kind of flooring material. It's possible just to place the coop on the grass or dirt, but it's not recommended. Concrete or wood is generally the best. If you don't feel like laying a slab, straw or even sand is also very suitable. Straw is particularly easy to replace.

Similar Chicken Coop Styles

If the chicken ark doesn't sound like what you're looking for, you can take heart in the fact that most internet-based chicken coop plans contain many other designs. Other styles include:

- The portable a-frame coop.
- The premium hen house with chicken run.
- The box-shaped coop.

Autor: Kez Lore

To view and download DIY chicken coop schematics of all these styles and more, check out this Chicken Coop Plans website now.

Added: November 22, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Build Your Own Solar Panels - FREE Guide VS Pay Guide? Which One is Better?

Installing Solar Panels to your home is one of the effective ways to reduce your home energy bills. However, the price for the retail solar panels in the market is high. Many people have considered DIY choice as a solution since solar panels are not difficult to DIY. The next problem is the guide for building between Free on the internet and Pay guide in the market. Which of them is the better solutions and worth to go with?

Free DIY Guide on the internet.

On the internet, there are many Free guides available. You can find it by Google, in the DIY community such as or VDO guide from MetaCafe or YouTube. Most of the Free guides are written by handy people who have basic knowledge and experience about electric circuit and solar panels. Free guide does not charge your money. This is the strongest advantage. Moreover, you can find various type of guides from many authors. You may gain a new idea by mixing those guides and have your original one.

Free Guide's strong points

  • Free available on internet.
  • Many kind of guides and various designs of solar panels.
  • Have a chance to mix different guides and create your own.
  • Have a lower cost solar panels than using Pay Guide because you do not have to pay for the guide.
Free Guide's weak points

  • Have to find the place to get the components and instruments by yourself.
  • Most of them are not completed and not detailed for the person with no experience and knowledge.
  • May be ending with trial & error method due to incomplete guide and lack of knowledge and experience.
  • If you end with trial & error you might be costed 2-3 times more than you should.
  • Have to find experiencing people to help you when you have problem or stuck at some points.
  • Most of the guides do not cover installation and wiring solar panels to your home.
Free Guide Summary

Free Guide is the best choice for handy person who know how to use each tool and has basic electricity, solar panels knowledge and some experience with DIY solar panels project. If you do not have any knowledge about electricity, electricity circuit and solar panels basic knowledge. Free guide is absolutely not recommended for you because you are going to end with all weak points of Free guide, for example, trial and error which is very terrible, not cost effective and consumed time with very low productivity.

Pay DIY Guide

Pay DIY guide is mostly found in e-book form. Most of the best seller guides usually come with very detailed and step by step instruction. Text manuals with numerous illustrations are also included in the package. Pay guide can be found in the internet as wells. I am going to provide the example link of both Free guide and pay guide at the end of this article.

This type of guide provides a lot of useful basic information about alternative energy and solar power. Most of them provide very easy to follow text manuals and VDO manuals. Moreover, the best advantage of pay guide is customer support. When you stuck with some steps, you are able to write and e-mail to ask the customer support of your guide.

Pay DIY Guide's strong points

  • Most of them provide nice, easy and step by step instructions.
  • The guide is completed. Some of them provide weekly update VDO and new tips.
  • Some of them provide not only solar panels guide but also other alternative energy guide as a bonus.
  • All the required components are specified with the shop or website to order.
  • Most of them have nice customer support.
  • Even 14 years old boy are able to follow the guide and create his own solar panels as a school project.
  • The outcome of the solar panels has very good efficiency. It can save up to 80% of energy cost.
Pay DIY Guide's weak points

  • It has a cost for a guide. About $40 - $60.
  • Have to choose which guide to buy carefully.
  • The customer support quality is depended on the brand of your purchased guide.
Pay DIY Guide Summary

Pay DIY guide is suitable for everyone especially for ordinary people who does not has any experience and knowledge in electricity and solar panels but would like to build one. Even experience handy people might love the guide because it is completed and reduces time to do research. Moreover, customer support is always available to help you when you have problem.

In conclusion, pay DIY guide is recommended over Free guide. However, if you do not want to pay $40 - $60 for the guide and you think that your selected Free guide might be OK with you without much troubles for your project then the Free guide will match you.

Autor: Eldon M Blair

I have an example of free DIY solar panels guide and the recommended pay DIY solar panels guide in this link. Update trendy stories on the internet everyday at

Added: November 21, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Radiant Barrier Installation For DIY'ers

Basics of Radiant Barrier Installation -

Always start with checking the labels and recommendations from the manufacturer. Its also good to check over the area in the attic for any existing problems including moisture, holes in your roof, damaged electrical wiring, missing or damaged insulation, anything else that looks out of place, etc. If you find a problem you are not sure you can fix on your own you want a qualified professional who can. The installation process is fairly simple.

First measure out the area you are going to cover, cut out the amount of material making sure to add a little extra at each end, roll it back up, take it up to the attic for installation, and then lay out over the desired coverage area. Repeat until finished.

During installation be careful not to cover any pipes or vents, fans or any kind of equipment that produces heat. HVAC (heating & a/c) vents and ducts are ok to cover. This will actually help keep the cool and hot areas separated. During a hot season the ducts and vents will remain in the cooler area of the roof protected, and in winter the heat will be separate form the cooler areas making the heating unit more efficient.

Lay the material in line with the beams of the attic floor. Don't worry about stapling down or taping pieces together; simply overlap each piece over the last one installed.

Don't rest or store objects on top of the heat barrier; the heat reflecting capability will be reduced. The thermal barrier that you purchase must be a perforated type so you don't have moisture condensation problems. If your radiant barrier isn't perforated, send it back right away to avoid moisture problems.

Autor: James Owrey

James @

Added: November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Should You Do Your Own Home Improvement?

When it comes to home improvement, you likely have grand ideas, but a very small budget. Often when you do the work yourself, you can drop the cost by half just by eliminating the labor expense. However, should you do the home improvement work yourself? There are many factors that go into determining whether you should do the work yourself.

Unless you have the necessary skills, you should avoid dangerous jobs, jobs that are inherently difficult or those that have costly mistakes. There are certain home improvement jobs where the risk is simply not worth it. The following are some jobs that you should hire a processional to do:

- Electrical work
- Plumbing
- Roofing
- Concrete flooring
- Siding over two stories
- Work that you don't know what the cause is

When it comes to consider whether you should do the project yourself you should consider your skills, tools and time. Consider each of these areas before making the final decision.

First, you need to be realistic about your skills. Don't try to take on a job that you won't be able to finish or something that will look unprofessional. Unless you are competent, you should avoid intricate work or work that requires a high degree of artisanship.

Second, do you have the tools necessary to complete the job? While you can rent or buy tools to save on labor costs, you need to make sure you have the experience to use them. Again you need to think twice about doing the job yourself if you don't have the proper experience with necessary tools.

Third, always consider time constraints. Even your spare time has value and you need to take this into consideration. While a professional individual can do the job faster than you, you may be able to complete certain jobs faster because you don't have to wait for them to show up.

To make sure you are prepared you should consider all your alternatives. Consider the benefits of hiring a professional to do the job. It may be worth it to hire a professional if you find one that can give you quality work at a good price. Be sure to consider all the possible professionals you can hire and compare the benefits they offer compared to doing the work yourself. By doing this you can successfully determine whether doing the work yourself is the better choice than hiring a professional to do the job for you.

Autor: Lindsay Kizzia

Lindsay Kizzia is an online marketing consultant and you can see some of her recent works at Nova Car Parts and Gift Baskets for Women

Added: November 18, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to Build an Electric Magnetic Motor From Scratch and Start Producing Your Own Electricity

Electricity costs are constantly rising and it doesn't seem like it is going to get better anytime soon. For this reason a lot of people have made the decision to build their own electric magnetic motor to cut down their electricity costs.

Although these motors sound like a complicated project to get involved in, it really isn't that difficult to build one successfully. This project doesn't require any special skills because once you have all the right materials all you have to do is assemble everything. Some of the materials you are going to need include: magnets, pop metals or plastics, casings and bearings.

You can easily find all the necessary materials at a cheap price at your local hardware store. It is recommended you get a set of professional plans because it will provide you with a full materials list you can use to make sure you don't waste money buying materials you don't need. The electric magnet motor will use the energy a magnet contains and turn it into useable electricity that can power all your household appliances like your stove, washing machine and dryer, computer, refrigerator, and more.

The best part about using one of these motors is the fact that they don't rely on any outside source to generate energy. These free energy motors will produce more and more energy for your house without stopping. With this capability you can easily slash your electricity bill by more than half or completely eliminate it, receive tax credits for using environmentally friendly energy, sell some of the excess energy your producing back to your power company, and never have to worry about power outages again.

It makes more sense to build your own electric magnetic motor because a pre-made one is very costly. These motors can be installed anywhere since they don't need any outside help, but the best place to install one is in the garage.

Capturing and utilizing magnetic energy is now possible thanks to these motors. Everyday more people are taking advantage of the power of a magnet in order to slash their monthly electricity expenses.

Autor: Karl Landry

If you decide to implement a Magnetic Motor on a full-scale, it will independently power your household using Free Magnet Energy, meaning, you won't have to pay anything to the power company. Click Here and take a look at how you can begin producing free energy using A Magnetic Motor.

Added: November 16, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

DIY Solar Heating For You

DIY Solar heating is constant and renewable energy. It's an energy source that never runs out and can always be counted on to produce, regardless of all other factors. I have reviewed all of the top products for creating solar heat and have found the best of the best.

DIY Solar heating can be a very easy project that can be done by everyone if they just know the basic principals. Read on to learn all that you need to know to bring yourself to the forefront of the self sustaining trend of the future. Not only can you cut your costs, but you will be able to ensure the comfort of your family regardless of problems with the current system due to storms and other power failures.

DIY Solar Heating for your house is not only cost effective but it's also very safe and sustainable. Most people feel that they don't have the know how or the technical abilities to take on a project of this nature. I can tell you first hand that not only can you do it, but you MUST do it if you hope to keep your cost of living at a comfortable level in the future.

DIY solar heating can be had easily and it's not nearly as hard as you would think. With the tools you already on your tool box you can handle the construction of the modules. DIY solar heating if fast and affordable and better for the earth. If you can operate your only your appliances every day using solar, you are creating a positive impact and example for the rest of the world to follow.

Autor: Burt Randalls

Building your own DIY Solar Heating collectors is a breeze and just what you want to take the edge off of those high electric bills. The technology is simple and easy to understand if you have the basics and if not, you can get them here. Tinker your own DIY Solar Heating into new savings.

Added: November 15, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

DIY Solar Heating Projects

DIY Solar heating projects are becoming very popular with people of all walks of life because of the power that comes with knowing how to make things happen.Since the dawn of the industrial age people have been getting further and further away from the days when a person was in control of their destiny.Today we would not survive long if all systems were to fail.

DIY Solar heating can help you take back control of your destiny in any extreme circumstances. Failing to be properly prepared for an emergency is the first fatal error people make in life.Having a warm place to be when things go wrong is the main ingredient to survival in all elements.

Building a DIY solar heating system for your home will not only be the most important thing you could do for your family, it will be far easier than you realize.Follow this link and you will see how easy this really is. I know it sounds hard but you WILL succeed if you just take action now!

Were you aware that almost 20% of all the energy produced in the world is used in our homes? This is more energy than the oil produced in the Middle Eastern by those with oil reserves. By getting your DIY solar heating in place, you do your part for global warming prevention. The traditional methods using traditional resources are used in all our domestic heating needs and we know we can do better. For us personally, for the local economy and for the environment.

Autor: Burt Randalls

Building your own DIY Solar Heating collectors is a breeze and just what you want to take the edge off of those high electric bills. The technology is simple and easy to understand if you have the basics and if not, you can get them here. Tinker your own DIY Solar Heating into new savings.

Added: November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

DIY Solar Electricity at Home Book - How to Find the Best One For You!

Have you come across countless books and still don't know how to decide which one to buy? Well, read through this article and I'll show you how to choose the right DIY solar electricity at home book for you.

You probably already know this, but there is various types of formats that a DIY solar electricity book can come in. The most obvious that comes to mind would be a hard back copy. Other formats are eBooks, which you can download off the internet, and also video guides.

Imagine you were given two books for a moment. One of them was a hard back with step by step instructions. The other was an eBook, that also included the same instructions.

Now, the difference between the two? The eBook also came with large illustrated diagrams as a separate file, and the author also included videos showing you how to put it together.

Which one of the two would you choose? Pretty obvious, everyone would choose the eBook.

The reason you wouldn't receive large diagrams and video on a hard back is because the person writing it for you is limited to the paper they're writing on. The person putting together the eBook has unlimited electronic resources, making your job a lot easier.

Here are 3 key things to look for when you are about decide which DIY solar electricity at home book to buy:

1. Are the instructions clear? You can't have them talking a language you don't understand.

2. Does the book include detailed diagrams which relate back to the instructions?

3. Are there easy to follow videos in case I can't understand the diagrams clearly?

4. Can I get after sales support if I need it?

5. This is the most important: Am I offered a money back guarantee if I can't follow the book? You'll be surprised how many people have put together guides which aren't any help and don't offer you any sort of guarantee.

Can you see how ticking all these boxes will make your choice so much easier? Not only that, but having answered yes to all of these questions will ensure you build a quality, reliable solar electricity panel.

Autor: David Kirrawee

Before you part with your hard earned and buy a DIY solar electricity at home book, make sure you have followed the process above. I know a guide that is guaranteed to help you build your own solar electricity. Thousands of people around the world have used it to make reliable and efficient solar panels. Go and download your copy now at and join all of those people in having a solid blueprint they can rely on.

Added: November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wood Garbage Cans - The Most Effective Way to Store Your Garbage

Wood garbage cans are so much nicer than your traditional garbage cans. Not only do they look nicer, but you could also match the color and texture to whatever room you want it in! Wood garbage cans offer more of an elegant look than your run of the mill garbage cans. What's even better about them is that you can actually make one yourself! It's really easy and if you have some time and a bit of desire, you too can make your own wood garbage can! Let's read on to learn why you
need to have one of these in your home.

Here are some of the main reasons why people decide to replace their old, smelly garbage can with a nice looking, wood, garbage can -

1. The overall appearance. It is a clean look that really disguises your trash can into a nice looking piece of furniture.

2. It traps the awful smell that plastic garbage cans usually emit. Most of the wood trash cans out there have a flip-top lid that allows the raunchy smell to stay where
it belongs - in the trash!

3. The design of the wood garbage can be anything you want! If you want dark wood, then you go with a dark wood. If you want light wood, you go with light wood. Because
chances are you're going to build this yourself, you get to chose!

4. Creates a healthier home environment. Think about it! All those germs in a trash can that aren't covered get into the air in your house. By keeping it contained with an enclosed box,
you're eliminating some of the threat of germs and bacteria.

These garbage cans really serve as a "sleeve" for your existing garbage can. Basically it is a box in which you put your garbage can in. This "box" has a lid on it that closes
over your existing garbage can. Essentially what this does is allows your wood garbage can to remain clean while maintaining a nice look. Because of the simplicity involved
with these wood garbage cans, they are very easy to build as well!

If you're just starting out with woodworking, this is a great way to get started. It is easy to build and requires minimal knowledge. All you really need to do is identify
what sort of wood you want as well as the color and you're off! Get a couple of hinges and a handle and the next thing you have an awesome looking trash can!

If you aren't quite sure how to make something like this yourself, don't worry. I have identified a resource that will not only give you the information you need to build a wood garbage can, but also covers hundreds of other wood working projects. If you really want to make wood garbage cans, I recommend you check out this resource that will outline all of the materials and steps needed to build your very own wood garbage can!

Best of luck to you!

Autor: Mike Lynch

My name is Mike and I am woodworking enthusiast. It is this enthusiasm that drives me to get the word out about woodworking products that I have found useful in my life. Whether you're looking to build a hutch, a shed, cabinets or just refinish your basement, I believe that this is the most useful resource available to you - how to build wood garbage cans. Thanks for stopping by. I truly hope that you find what it is you're working towards!

Added: November 10, 2009