It is no secret that we're in the midst of an energy crisis. The government is (theoretically) doing what it can to help solve the problem, but the easiest way to end the crisis is to make changes yourself. One of the best things to do is to start producing your own power, which means that you're not dependent on the government and you're saving a great deal of money. Alternative energy sources like solar power and wind power are two great ways to start to make a difference.
Building your own windmill isn't especially cheap, but the long-term benefits, both financially and ecologically make that initial investment well worth it! In areas where the average wind speed is about 11 miles per hour (and in some places even a bit less), you can reduce the cost of production to zero and have more than enough power to go around.
If you're seriously considering constructing a windmill there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that you do have enough wind to efficiently generate wind power. Secondly, just because the initial investment is a little high shouldn't deter you. Third, make sure that you have a solid plan in place to set up your windmill. You'll want to have a good design, sturdy materials that can withstand high winds, and an understanding of the market before you begin to set up your own windmill.
Things to look for in a windmill plan:
Pictures or illustrations: No matter how detailed a description of a particular windmill you find, you'll also want to see an illustration or photo of the windmill. Knowing what the windmill will look like and understanding what shape and size it will take on are essential to having a handle on your windmill set up.
Simple language: Windmill plans are sometimes so full of jargon and specialized language that following the instructions is virtually impossible. Unless you are very well-versed in windmill construction and design you'll want to look for a user-friendly windmill plan that makes sense to you.
Detailed Descriptions: Yes, illustrations are important, but you also want to make sure that the plan you're following has detailed, easy-to-understand descriptions. The more information available about the plan, the better, so long as you can understand it. It is especially important that there be a description of each and every component that will go into your windmill, so you can fully understand what you're building.
Location-Specific Information: We all know that Holland is the windmill capital of the world; however, if your windmill plan talks about all of the best windmill supply stores in Holland and you're reading the plan in the USA, you're not going to be able to make much use of it. Often times windmill plans will offer location-specific information-simply make sure that it matches your specific location!
Autor: Ryan Kaufman Ryan Kaufman
Level: Basic PLUS
Ryan Kaufman is an Internet Marketer and Real Estate Developer in the Northwest. He enjoys spending time in the outdoors camping and sailing....
Find the BEST windmill Plan at Wind Power Resources.
Added: February 12, 2009
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