What are the most difficult stages of making your very own solar panel? These final steps on how to make a solar panel can be the most difficult. To begin, take a quick look at the work you have done to make sure that it is correct, after which you will be ready to move on with these steps of building your very own solar panel for use on your own home. This is your very own way of helping to save the environment as well as cutting down the cost of your utility bills.
Step #1: once you have completed gathering the materials needed, your next step is to cut two 72x1/4x1/4 inch see through acrylic strips to the length of approximately 38.3 inches, then snip the last two clear acrylic strips to a length of approximately 37.8 inches.
Step #2: once this is one, glue one of the 38.3 inch acrylic bars to the top of the ABS white sheet, making sure to line the bar up with the edge of the sheet. Glue and then allow to dry before continuing. Once the glue has dried, take the second 38.3 inch acrylic bar to the bottom of the ABS white sheet being careful to line up with the edge, glue and then allow to dry.
Step #3: once the glue has dried, glue one of the 37.8 inch clear extruded acrylic bars to the left of the ABS white sheet making sure to line the bar up with the edge of the sheet and then allow the glue to dry before continuing. Then take the remaining bar and glue to the right of the ABS white sheet lining it up with the edge of the sheet. Allow glue to dry completely.
Step #4: almost there. Once the glue has dried, cut the remaining clear acrylic bar into 1x1/4x1/4 inch blocks and then glue each block, centered in between each of the solar cells in an alternating panel and this will provide strength to the solar panel.
Step #5: the final step to creating your own solar panel is to take the 48x48x1/8 transparent sheet which is UV treated and, cut it into to a 38.5/16x38.5/16x3/16 inch piece and then place glue along the top of the four acrylic bars which were glued to the ABS white sheet in steps 2 and 3. Place glue on top of each of the acrylic blocks and line up the acrylic sheet with the edges of the four acrylic bars and place it firmly on top. Allow for the glue to dry completely.
That's it you are now ready to receive free energy from the sun.
Autor: Mike Hickmon Mike Hickmon
Level: Basic PLUS
Hi Mike here Just a short message to tell you about my self. While I have experience in engineering, trading, science, teaching and other similar ... ...
Looking for instructions on how to build solar panel systems? Please visit BestHomemadeEnergy.com for complete details on building a solar panel system.
Added: July 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/