Thursday, July 16, 2009

Petrify Your Timber Problems For Good

When you put timber outside and leave it exposed to the elements, you basically know before you even start that sooner or later it will start to fall apart. This will most likely be caused by Wet Rot ( Coniophora Puteana ) or some of the many other varieties of fungal decay and rot. On top of this, it is likely to also be attacked by a whole range of tiny insects, such as Termites, Ants, Spiders, Powder Post Beetle, Carpenter Ants, even slugs and wood boring insects of different types. Then of course your timber will mainly be faced with endless amounts of rainwater, ground dampness, atmospheric moisture, bound moisture and mildew.

With all of these things out there and just waiting for some nice juicy new timbers ( pre-treated or otherwise ) to attack, it's no wonder the lumber industry makes so much money from us when we have to replace or renew so many of our deteriorated timbers. Well, now we can stop all of the above and completely alleviate many of your timber renewals for a great many years to come.

To give you an example of some timber that has been left outside for almost countless years and has suffered no deterioration from rot, insect attack or otherwise, all you have to do is Google the Petrified Forest. There you will see large tree trunks which have lain exposed to the elements and still look like the day they fell, all but for one thing. They actually turned into stone and this of course preserved them intact in every detail. So, this is one example of wood that has certainly been preserved without the need for toxic chemicals and poisons being applied to it. Another great example of wood and for that matter human body preservation is found way back over three thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt.

The Egyptians in those days coated the inside and outside or their ornately carved wooden sarcophagus ( Coffin ) with Cedar Oil and then they dipped the bandages used to encapsulate their mummies in the same Cedar Oil. Even then, they had found that this wonderful natural oil was the essence of preservation and today, when we discover and excavate their ancient tombs, we have found some marvellous examples of extremely well preserved mummies and their wooden coffins also.

So where exactly am I going with this article? The answer my friend is both obvious and simple as I am going to enlighten you on the almost miraculous benefits of a totally natural organic fluid called Cedarshield Petri-Wood. As its name implies, when this product is applied to timber, it actually triggers the first stages of wood petrification, which in turn means that rot cannot affect it. However, that's not all it does.

It instantly removes all bound water and inherent moisture from the wood; it instantly stabilizes the timber, stopping it from warping, cupping or splitting and better still, it alleviates all possibility of all types of rot and decay, mildew and attack by wood destroying insects such as termites, carpenter ants and so on. It is genuinely a one time lifetime application and apparently when the supplier does the application, they provide a written guarantee against all of the above for periods up to an amazing fifty years, depending on which treatment system you choose to have them undertake.

If you decide to use this product yourself, then you do not need protective clothing or even a mask. It should be either applied by a brush or a airless spray and the structure to be treated should first of all be pressure washed beforehand and left to dry naturally before applying the fluid. Prominent Scientists who treat and preserve ancient marine artefacts are now using it with great success.

Museums are using it to treat old timber relics such as very old totem poles and wooden boats etc. It is not the cheapest product on the market but it certainly is the best. In fact it has been quoted as being "the best and most effective preservation fluid on the planet." This product can literally save us a fortune on future renewals and at the same time preserve our precious environment.

Autor: Robert M Littlejohn Robert M Littlejohn
Level: Basic PLUS
Bob immigrated from Scotland to Canada in 2002 where he settled in Ontario until relocating to British Columbia in 2007 to initially work as a ... ...

Bob Littlejohn MBA BSc

Added: July 16, 2009