Saturday, July 4, 2009

Solar Energy is the Wave of the Future - How to Build a 63 Watt Solar Panel

Additionally, building your own solar panel can be even cheaper. There is a large portion of DIY articles and tutorials on-line you can view, and most consist of the following needed materials to build a solar panel.

  1. Tabbing Wire
  2. Bus Wire
  3. Rosin Flux Pen
  4. Extra Solder
  5. Solar Cells
  6. Copper Wire
  7. Pressure Treated or Marine Grade Plywood
  8. Pegboard
  9. Tile Spacers
  10. All Purpose UV Protector Stain Paint
  11. Transparent Silicon
  12. Digital Multimeter (checks voltage and current)
  13. AWG Wire Cutters
  14. Transparent Glass or Plexiglass
  15. Charge Controller
  16. Deep Cycle Battery
  17. DC to AC Inverter
  18. Junction Box

To assemble the solar panel together just follow these steps:

  1. Decide how large you want your solar panel, and cut your pressure treated or marine grade plywood that size. Drill two holes for the negative and positive connection wires.
  2. Cut your pegboard to the right size to fit inside the plywood.
  3. Use your all purpose UV protector stain paint to place two coats on the plywood and pegboard separately.
  4. Once dry, screw down your pegboard to your plywood.
  5. Assemble your solar cells in series with the tabbing wire, bus wire, and flux pen.
  6. Mount your solar cells on top of your pegboard evenly spaced.
  7. Create your negative and positive connections with your copper wire (usually red and black) and solder them to your bus wire, and run them through the two pre-drilled holes in the plywood.
  8. Lay transparent or plexiglass on top of the entire frame, and apply silicon around the exterior of the glass. Before you screw the glass down to the plywood to create a tighter seal, pre-drill your holes to prevent cracks from forming. Allow the silicon to dry for 24 hours.
  9. Connect the positive and negative connections from the solar panel to the charge controller.
  10. Connect the positive and negative connections from the charge controller to the deep cycle battery.
  11. Connect the positive and negative connections from the deep cycle battery to the DC to AC inverter.

After a couple of weeks it would be a good idea to check your solar panels voltage and current to make sure everything is still working properly. You will also need to maintain keeping the solar panel's glass clean from any dirt that may accumulate overtime. Be sure to check after a rainy day that no water got inside your solar panel.

Autor: Robert Steve Smith Robert Steve Smith
Level: Basic
Hi, I am the Chief Executive Officer of My aim in life is to give back the knowledge I've learn to uprising young individuals ... ...

Your DIY article may give you more steps on how to go about maintaining and building your solar panel.

Want to learn more about solar power?

Receive free instructions and tips here

A better detailed video on making solar panels can be viewed here at

Robert Smith
Chief Executive Officer

Added: July 4, 2009