Monday, August 31, 2009

Why Green DIY Solar Panels Will Make You Crazy

Here is what is crazy about green DIY solar panels; this really makes me nuts. Why are people paying thousands of dollars to have solar panel systems installed, when they can build their own system for under $200!? Truly, one weekend of work and about $200 makes it possible for someone to slash their energy bill in half, or eliminate it totally!

If you can follow directions, you can install your own system.

Green DIY solar panels are the perfect option for those who want to slash their electric bills, reduce their carbon emissions and enjoy working on DIY projects. In one weekend, and for less than $200, you can build a working solar panel energy system that will save you money month after month after month...

Building solar panels involves connecting many photovoltaic cells together on a solid plastic or fiberglass frame. Some complex wiring and soldering is involved, so you're going to need to know exactly what you're doing, or you'll be wasting your time and putting yourself in harm's way at the same time.

The best way to build your solar panel system, if you do not have much experience with constructing solar panels, would be to purchase a step-by-step guide which shows you exactly what you need to do. There are several Green DIY solar panel guides available for purchase and instant download online.

Most cost around $50 and have many nice features that make them great for the weekend DIYer. Parts list, manuals, pictures, videos, tax rebate forms, and free bonuses are aspects of a great DIY solar energy system guide.

Don't purchase one that doesn't have all of these things, because you'll won't be getting the best value for your money! If you would like to purchase a green DIY solar panel guide there are several factors you want to keep in mind:

  • What kind of manuals are you getting? Only a solar panel guide, or is a wind power guide also included?
  • Are there training videos included? Some guides offer many videos, and some don't offer any at all; you want to make sure you purchase a guide that includes videos.
  • What kind of free bonuses come with the guide? Some guides offer nice bonuses, some don't offer any.
  • Is there a money-back guarantee? If you end up not building the system, you want to be able to get your money back.

I've reviewed many online green DIY solar energy system guides; and there are a few that stand out in my mind. Green DIY Energy is the best, Earth 4 Energy comes in close behind it, and Homemade Energy squeaks into third place.

Green DIY Energy has the most quality content for its $50 pricetag, compared to the other two top choices. Its gives you manuals on both solar and wind DIY projects, as well as video tutorials on 7 different aspects of DIY solar panels and extensive parts and tool lists. All members of Green DIY Energy also have exclusive access to an interactive customer support/discussion forum, which is something no other DIY guide offers.

Earth 4 Energy and Homemade Energy don't offer as many how-to videos or an interactive forum, that is what puts them behind Green DIY Energy. Hope this short article helps you out with your Green DIY solar panel projects; good luck to you and have fun going "green"!

Autor: Zach Lee Zach Lee
Level: Basic PLUS
I am a high school social studies intervention specialist, which means I teach social studies to learning disabled high schoolers. I love teaching and explaining ... ...

Zach Lee is a home DIY enthusiast whose most recent DIY project was learning how to build solar panels.

He recommends the only DIY solar panel guide he has personally purchased and used.

It's a fact, not all DIY guides are created equal. Get the #1 reviewed Green DIY Solar Panels Kit.

Added: August 31, 2009

1 Comment:

Jack said...

wow... find it interesting... hope it'll be beneficial for me and my friends...
how to make solar panels